
What should a 16 year old female weigh?

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The range of 110 to 134 pounds is a healthy weight range for a girl of 16 years old.

Because young women of this age are still developing, it is essential that they do not move too far outside of this range.

If your daughter is either overweight or underweight, you should have a conversation with her primary care provider about how she might make positive adjustments to her eating habits and her level of physical activity.


What is a healthy weight for a boy that is 5 feet 10 inches tall and 16 years old?

This question does not have a single response that can be considered final. Depending on characteristics such as muscle mass, bone density, and overall body composition, a healthy weight range for a boy who is 5 feet 10 inches tall and is 16 years old might be anywhere from 130 to 200 pounds. It is essential to discuss your specific health and fitness objectives with a medical professional or a nutritionist in order to determine the appropriate weight range for you.

What is a healthy weight for a 16-year-old who is 5 feet 10 inches tall?

Due to the fact that everyone’s weight is different, there is no one response that can be given to this issue. On the other hand, a 16-year-old person who is 5 feet 10 inches tall and weighs roughly 160 pounds would be considered healthy.

If he is 5 feet 10 inches tall, how many kg should he be?

A healthy weight range for a man who is 5 feet 10 inches tall is 132–154 kg.

What is an appropriate weight for a boy that is 16 years old?

Due to the fact that a person’s weight might drastically differ from one another, there is no response that can be considered conclusive to this topic. On the other hand, a guy who is 16 years old should aim to maintain a weight that falls somewhere in the middle of the typical range for his height. You may determine what your ideal weight should be by using a calculator that takes into consideration not just your height but also other aspects like your age and gender. This kind of calculator is available online.

What constitutes being overweight for a boy who is 16 years old?

Due to the fact that everyone’s bodily composition is unique, there is no response that can be considered conclusive to this topic. On the other hand, the appropriate weight range for a boy who is 16 years old is anywhere between 125 and 165 pounds.

What is a healthy weight for a 16-year-old boy or girl?

The answer to this issue cannot be generalised since a person’s height, build, and general health all have a role in determining the optimum weight for a 16-year-old kid. Consequently, there is no one correct response to this question. On the other hand, the average healthy weight range for a youngster who is 16 years old is anywhere between 105 and 145 pounds. It is critical that you make an appointment with a medical professional in the event that your child’s weight falls drastically outside of this range, or if you are worried about their weight for any other reason.

What is the typical body mass of a boy who is 16 years old and made of stone?

The typical weight for a boy who is 16 years old is around 8 stone. This could be different for you based on your height and build, for example.

How much should a guy who is 6 feet and 10 inches tall weigh?

A guy who is 5 feet 10 inches tall and 10 inches wide should weigh around 150 pounds.

Is a guy who is 5 feet 10 inches tall considered to be short?

The answer to this question cannot be definitively given since it is contingent on the choices and perspectives of the individual. It’s possible that some individuals may think that a guy who is 5’10” tall is on the small side, while others would disagree. The determination of whether or not anything is “short” or “tall” belongs, in the end, to the person in question.

A guy who is 5 feet 10 inches tall and 10 inches wide should weigh around 150 pounds.

A guy who is 5 feet 10 inches tall and 10 inches wide should weigh around 150 pounds. Because everyone’s physical make-up is unique, take this recommendation with a grain of salt. It’s possible that you weigh more or less than this, depending on your bone density, the amount of muscle mass you have, and any number of other variables. It is in your best interest to make an appointment with a medical professional if you are worried about your weight or if you have any other health problems.

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